Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I have nothing to say.

Several events have happened in the last couple of months that have come together to produce a writer's block of sorts. I feel like I have no business sharing anything about the gospel with anyone.

It has been said that "Christians like me" are part of the reason that some are turned off of Christianity.

Several people who I have communicated with regularly have ceased communication with me, most without letting me know why, just silence.

I feel pigeon-holed by some interactions on an online forum where I have previously been very active, and unwelcome there and elsewhere.

All this together has me evaluating everything from my own walk and relationship with Christ, to my effectiveness as a minister of the gospel, which is truly my heartbeat. But if I alienate more than I draw, I'm useless and worse.

Thus my silence. I have nothing to say.

I will try to post two posts a week of things that are currently impacting me. At least someone else can say what I want to, and I can still share.

Thanks for reading, whatever your reasons are. I appreciate it.
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